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KAMS V4 ENB 1.0.0

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9 Screenshots

About This File

Fuck you nga


    • Installation Guide - Kam's Graphics 1st: Navigate to your FiveM application data. 2nd: Navigate to your plugins folder within the FiveM app data. - (If you do not have a plugins folder create one called "plugins" ) - Next; drag and drop the contents inside the ENB folder given in the customer copy. 3rd: Navigate to your mods folder within the FiveM app data. - Next; drag and drop the contents inside the mods folder given in the customer copy. 4th: Navigate to your data folder within the FiveM app data. - (Citizen - Common - Data) - Next; drag and drop the contents inside the data folder given in the customer copy. 5th: Navigate to your GTAV application data. - Next; drag and drop the contents found inside the ENB folder given in the customer copy into your GTAV data. Finished, Enjoy! ! DISCLAIMER ! - Delete any and all existing ENB files to ensure a clean install of Kam's graphics. (edited)
    • [3:40 AM]

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