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MxLandmine 1.0.0

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About This File

  1. MxFloofy Development is a development group, working to make quality clothing textures, props, and scripts from FiveM servers to enjoy. Our Mx-LandMine script allows you to place a CUSTOM landmine prop, which when a player enters a specific radius it will cause them to enter a mini-game to be able to attempt to defuse it. If the player is in a vehicle they will not be able to defuse it, and if they player is in a "Defuse Vehicle" it will cause the landmine to blow up with a smaller explosion in front of the vehicle (this is for use by vehicles with mine sweepers). Features
    • Fully configurable landmine system (config how long it takes to place, how long you have to get away before it is armed, explosion type, explosion multiplier (for both ground and vehicles), what vehicles cause a small explosion that does little to no damage)
    • Defuse Ability
    • Allows minesweepers to work properly (with configing)
    • Ace Perms
    • Discord Logging
    • Landmine Prop To Fire
    ChangeLog 1.0 - Release 1.1 - Bug fixes and general improvement of vehicle detection 1.2 - More bug fixes and general improvements of the script 1.3 - Added /clearallmines command (can be disabled, locked behind ace perms, are made so anyone can use) - More embeds (for defuse and destroy) - Keybinds (can be changed or disabled) - Ability to change the command name - More config options - Improved vehicle and ped detection (some more)

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