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Exo Development Landmine script 1.0.0

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About This File

Features List: Custom Landmine Prop: This script includes a custom landmine prop developed by our team. You can also use your own model for the landmine, which can be easily edited via the configuration file. The landmine prop can be placed anywhere on the map and will explode when triggered. Discord Logging: This script includes a Discord logging via webhook that is perfect for staff teams. When a landmine is placed or triggered, the script will automatically send a message to a designated Discord channel, letting staff know where the explosion occurred.
Ability to Define Mine Sweepers: With this, you can define which vehicles are designated as mine sweepers. These vehicles will be able to detect landmines before they are triggered and can defuse them before they explode. This feature adds an extra layer of strategy to your gameplay and makes your server more engaging for your players. Fully Editable Script: This script is fully customizable, allowing you to edit nearly everything in the script. You can adjust the landmine placement rules, the explosion effects, the mine sweeper definitions, and more. This flexibility makes it easy to tailor the script to your server's specific needs and preferences. Configuration: -- BASIC SETTINGS armtime = 3 -- Time in seconds it takes till the bomb is armed. minetimer = 10 -- How long in seconds people must wait between placing mines. progressbar = true -- Should the player get a progress bar appear when placing the mine down. -- PLAYER EXPLOSION SETTINGS playerdistance = 1.4 -- At what distance should the mine detect a PLAYER pexplosiontype = 44 -- What type of explosion the mine is, you can find a list at https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC pdamagescale = 20.0 -- How much damage the mine should deal, MUST HAVE DECIMAL more info at https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC -- VEHICLE EXPLOSION SETTINGS vehicledistance = 3 -- At what distance should them ine detect a VEHICLE, with a player inside. vexplosiontype = 44 -- What type of explosion the mine is, you can find a list at https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC vdamagescale = 20.0 -- How much damage the mine should deal, MUST HAVE DECIMAL more info at https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC destroyengine = true -- Should if a vehicle drive over the engine be instantly destroyed, true = engine is destroyed instantly. immunetomine = {"rhino", "adder"} -- Vehicle that should act as "mine sweepers" - if you've none replace with anything. -- MISC SETTINGS modelHash = "prop_ld_binbag_01" -- The mine model pickupAnim = "pickup_low" -- Changes the animation when planting the mine. animDict = "random@domestic" -- Ignore this unless you know what your doing.

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