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Brendo's Allegiance Package Part I 1.0.0

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2 Screenshots

About This File

Enjoy My Little Snails.

Disclaimer:Yes Leaking a developers vehicle is technically speaking legal, as many of them make profits when they sell there vehicles. According to Rule 8 in FiveM's TOS "No financial profit shall be derived..." meaning people selling these vehicles should not be making a profit when selling them. If you don't know a ZModdeler3 (A modeling program in which allows you to create GTA Vehicles) only cost $4.50 a month, with developers obviously selling there vehicles at more than $4.50 they are technically breaking TOS as they are making a profit off of "User Generated Content." If you can prove to me your vehicle is selling for either $4.50 or lower I will remove your vehicle from the list. Yes I know its not fair to a developer to leak a vehicle they put so much time and hard work into, no I cannot get taken down for copyright reasons, (unless you have legal papers showing you own the rights to the model and it is yours) no I'm not going to exempt your vehicles from being leaked.

Edited by SanAntonioPoIiceDepartment

  • Nice 2

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