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All Southern Upfitters Listings [Georgia State Police/Bartow County Sheriff/More] 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This is pretty much has all the files they have listed (GSP/MCCD/BCSO/APD/ALEA/MORE). If any vehicles are missing thats my bad, might have forgot to put it into the folder.

There are several ULC files not in their corresponding folder and you will just have to figure out where these belong as I do not have the time.

More GSP and other Georgia Related assets coming soon so be ready :).

They have now continued with releasing vehicles, they are all now in a Google Drive that you need to request access to but I have my ways so you will still see this updated with any new releases.

Edited by JustAGuyWhoHasStuff

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


Added 7543 Charger

Added 7627 Tahoe

Note: The new vehicles are not in the "All Southern Upfitters.rar" they are separate downloads so people who only want to get the new vehicles can.

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