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EmergeNYC Sirens & Horns Pro 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File


EmergeNYC Sirens brings the unmistakable sounds of Emergency Vehicles to your fingertips. Ever wanted to wind up the mechanical siren or hold down the air horns on a firetruck. EmergeNYC Sirens gives you that ability with real to life sounds that are so accurate you can’t differentiate from the real thing. These same sounds are used in our realistic firefighting simulator on PC “EmergeNYC” on Steam Early Access. Our standalone PC and Mac EmergeNYC Sirens App is able to run in the background of other tasks and given hotkeys for you to use these hyper-realistic sounds while playing other games such as GTA V, or other related games.


EmergeNYC Sirens Pro - 10$


EQ2B Old
EQ2B New


PA300 Newer Model

Old PA200

Smart Siren 2000

Smart Siren Platinum

Smart Siren Platinum Unitrol

Q Siren 1

Q Siren 2

Q Siren 3

Model 28


Whelen 295

Code 3 V Con

Whelen 295HF

Whelen Cencom

25 Airhorn Tones


Legal notice:


This app is meant solely for entertainment purposes ONLY. Do not use it while driving. FlipSwitch Games is not held liable for any illegal activity conducted while using this app including impersonating a law enforcement officer or first responder, or responding as an emergency responder. All sounds and sirens are based on their real life counterparts but are not affiliated with or licensed by the manufacturers.




Added 9 different Q Sirens

Fixed EQ2B Switch from Wail to Manual

Hotkeys now affect Knobs

Fixed Manual on Police Sirens

Fixed Radio to Man bug

Fixed Whelen Sirens

Fixed PA4000 screen scaling

Fixed Yelp to HiLo

Added Tanker Airhorn

Added Rescue Engine Air Horn

Fixed PA300 Manual not working

Fixed PA200 scaling

Fixed Cencom Scaling

Fixed Smart Siren Settings Button

Added airhorn button

Added dual siren option on Q Siren

Added 5 PA300 Options

Added Background Input (PC Only)

Added option for city ambient noise

and More.

  • Nice 2

User Feedback

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Partha Sarathi Roy

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

great leak man great leak?can you told me how to install in single player gta5?

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Thanks for the leak! I have noticed a few bugs however. These include NYC Police 2 and Police crashing when using keybinds instead of pressing the clicking on the buttons, a decent few of the manual sirens and a few air horns have buggy audio and/or are abnormally louder than they are if you click on the buttons on the screen the buggy audio/audio being extra loud is also not an issue when using the keybinds. Now if these issues aren't an uploader-sided situation, let the devs know and upload the update when they fix the issues above.

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