About This File
External Security Bot V2
Exo Development's External Security Bot was created mainly for all whitelisted servers.
?massban [@USER] (REASON)
Bans a member from all discords.
?massunban [@USER]
Unbans a member from all discords.
?masskick [@USER] (REASON)
Kicks a member from all discords.
?massnick [@USER] [NEW USERNAME]
Renames a member in all discords.
?massmute [@USER] (REASON)
Mutes a member from the discord.
?massunmute [@USER] (REASON)
Unmutes a member from the discord.
?investigate [@USER] (REASON)
Remove alls roles from the member and places them into the coventry/Under Investigation Channel.
?release [@USER]
Releases a member from the Coventry/Under Investigation