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Stryker Power Pro XT | Code 5 Mods | Trump#8406 1.0.0

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About This File

Stryker Power Pro XT - Trump#8406
High quality and accurate stretcher model that has been fully remodeled from scratch and integrated into GTA 5 multiplayer via a script. Walk up to the back of an ambulance
to retrieve the stretcher, go pick up your patient, and put him into the back of the ambulance using this stretcher!

Stretcher Customization
     - Folding Seat
     - Backboard
     - Med Bag
     - Rush24 Backpack
     - LIFEPAK 15

Seating Positions*
     - Lay flat, sit on right side, sit on left side, sit on top

     - Compatible with ALL ambulance models, just add a line to the config

*Features only available with multiplayer script

For Singleplayer: Navigate to trump-stretcher\stream and extract vehicle file (assuming using a singleplayer stretcher script for AI or player)
For Multiplayer: Start the resources in the main folder
Current bugs: The person who spawns the stretcher is the only one who can move it; Medic B cannot pickup the stretcher if Medic A spawns it because it'll duplicate

MESSAGE: The method of adding this to another ambulance of your choice is in the stretcher-script, then in the config.lua, the message in the green is a template, and the
paragraph body under is an actual example. The spawn code is the spawn code. Detection is the functional range, your choice. The depth and height, you'll just have to mess
around with.

NOTE: The stretcher model counts as a VEHICLE, so you will have to spawn it. Default spawn code is "trump-stretcher".

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