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LauncherLeaks Feature Plan

Keep up to date with what we have planned for LauncherLeaks going forward!
  1. Let's add a bit of flair to LauncherLeaks.

    Let's add a bit of flair to LauncherLeaks.

  2. Once this is available, users will be able to submit applications for various roles offered in the career tab. It's like a... better version of the one we already have! Available roles are subject to change.

    Once this is available, users will be able to submit applications for various roles offered in the career tab. It's like a... better version of the one we already have! Available roles are subject to change.

  3. Straight forward.

    Straight forward.

  4. Implement and customize LauncherLeaks's very own Feature Plan, modeled after the IPS4 Feature Plan.

    Implement and customize LauncherLeaks's very own Feature Plan, modeled after the IPS4 Feature Plan.

  5. Pretty straight forward. Normally IPS formats the usergroups in a small proportion, but with the power of customization, we can format them site-wide.

    Pretty straight forward. Normally IPS formats the usergroups in a small proportion, but with the power of customization, we can format them site-wide.

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