Privacy Policy
Launcher Leaks Privacy Promise
Last Revised 3/30/2024
-, referred to as either, “We”, “Us”, “Our”, refers to Launcher Leaks
- Data protection, user privacy, and site security is our #1 priority
- Any information or data provided to Launcher Leaks will not be sent, sold, or provided to 3rd parties.
- Data from user accounts will be kept safe and non-accessible to attackers, outside assailants, or 3rd parties.
- Users who jeopardize site and/or user safety will be dealt with swiftly and safely to ensure all users are protected.
- At no point will we give any information, included but not limited to: IP addresses, names, physical addresses, payment information, personal identification, purchase history, support ticket history, staff punishments, or other private & identifiable information to 3rd parties. Proper legal paperwork and approval is required from law enforcement or a court order for release of any user information.
- Any payment information or photo identification are collected in some circumstances as a means to prevent fraud and/or lost revenue. When requested to submit these items, they are securely submitted to our management team to review. Once confirmed, these documents are no longer viewable to any staff members. We do not collect this information for malicious intent or illegal gains.
- Users, Members, or Staff who attempt to sell, expose, or post personal or private data of any other users, staff, or members will be permanently removed from the site and IP banned. If warranted, law enforcement contact will be made to address any issues.
- DOXing is strictly prohibited on our website., will not tolerate any actions that appear to be threating or malicious. If you suspect that this is occurring anywhere within the site, please contact staff through a support ticket immediately.
- We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.
- To get in contact with a site administrator, site support please click here.
- You can directly serve any DMCA notice to us via a support ticket. Keep in mind sending a DMCA to any third-party provider/service (ex. Google, or proxy service) does NOT notify LauncherLeaks site administrators or its staff members.
Third Parties
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