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  • File Submission Guidelines

    We use the downloads system for all uploads, no external links please.


    To keep the safety of our users, LauncherLeaks implemented a new set of guidelines regarding file uploads:

    • Please post all files in their corresponding category
    • Please check if the file already exists. If it's outdated, report the old file so that we can archive it
    • Do NOT post files with passwords or files in them that advertise other sites
    • Do NOT post topics, send messages, or report files to remind us that your file is pending approval
    • Try to provide relevant information with your submission, including a few pictures

    Furthermore, we do not allow uploads from the following developers to be posted on LauncherLeaks:

    Useful Links:

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of our Staff members.


    To submit a DMCA, please provide us a copy of your USPTO Serial Number, or a copyright certificate to us via support ticket. We are not forwarded any takedown requests that are submitted to a third party service. Please allow us at least 72 hours to review your request and authenticate you as the owner.

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