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Redheaven RP

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Everything posted by Redheaven RP

  1. Now this makes sense mate. All i needed. Did not need you to start complaining.
  2. Sorry mate, i wasn't complaining. The question was why. Next time you should read twice before answering lovely.
  3. Del Perro Just correcting 🙂
  4. Just letting you know. No it is not the official DOJRP server. The framework that DOJRP uses. It utilizes an API that connects to their portal, server. I know, i can make a server exactly like DOJRP but the problem is the framework.
  5. Question is, why release something that is already free on the forums fivem?
  6. Even i could make a better one. I will release a DOJRP Server soon when i have the time.
  7. I have something better, add me on discord. aurzgaming
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is the official DOJRP vehicle damage script. I had to do some changes to it to make it work 100%. Basically i removed code that forced you to have money to fix vehicles. Simple enough now you can fix your cars on the road & mechanic. More will come soon😉 Also, try this script before commenting anything. It does work. Have been tried multiple times.
  9. Matt. The EUP Menu is the SOURCE CODE. NOT what you leaked. I cracked the menu so it is customizable by everyone.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Currently broken, remade another one.
  11. Its missing dps, st & other vehicle files. You may have to retransfer the files. Happened to me once.
  12. The FD pack is not the 2023 pack????
  13. No. THey should work but you cant change the names of the menus DOJRP to your own. If you know .net scripting you should know how to change them.
  14. The MLOs are Protected by escrow system. If you find a way to break it they will work.
  15. Server X ip address. DOJ Website is currently being taken down. Got the ip address for the website aswell. Thank you for your time.
  16. They only have client files. That is why. Some dumpers cant dump server.lua files.
  17. The 24/7 and ammuninations would be nice
  18. FiveM has no problems with this. Maybe your side. Do not worry the cars r not broken.
  19. The hospital menu works. But those listed do not work. Might be a problem on your end maybe? Just maybe.
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